The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning
On the tracks of the 'Miracle Healer'
Bruno Gröning

Healing from Angina Pectoris and shortness of breath due to coronary disease caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries.

Christa Nehm (64) Community of Baunatal

				Christa Nehm (64) Community of Baunatal
In 1984 I felt the first symptoms of heart trouble (a feeling of pressure and tightness) as well as shortness of breath, and these grew gradually worse, in spite of taking medication.

As of December, 1999, the symptoms got a lot worse, in that I had more pain and severe shortness of breath. The pain radiated into my left upper arm and up the throat into the jaw. These symptoms appeared when doing housework or climbing stairs. An angiogram was performed in February, 1992, and they discovered that there had already been an infarct in the posterior heart muscle, and the coronary arteries were 70 – 90% narrowed.

A balloon catheter operation was performed, during which my heart stopped due to a massive infarct of the anterior heart muscle. I was immediately resuscitated in the O.R. After this procedure, I had a heart function of only 40%.

After I was released from the hospital 5 weeks later, I was so weak, that I could only do simple tasks while sitting down. The physicians who had treated me said that they could do nothing more to help me, except regular catheterization. “You will never be completely healthy again, be happy if it doesn’t get any worse.”

In June, 1992, I underwent another balloon catheterization because of the remaining narrowing of the arteries, and another one 4 months later. Again, my heart stopped.

Because of the cardiac infarct I was even weaker than before, and the blood vessels were still 20 - 40% narrowed. I took numerous tablets. I was also sent to a sanatorium for a “cure” which also brought no relief.

The diminished strength remained up to the point when I was introduced into the teaching; I had to avoid all physical stress. I could only perform the simplest of sitting tasks. Making the beds, washing the windows, or vacuuming was out of the question. I also couldn’t climb stairs anymore. Even the slightest physical effort caused a pressure in the left chest and shortness of breath. Sometimes I couldn’t even walk 500 yards on even ground.

In Autumn, 1994, I learned about the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends through the book: “Revolution in Medicine.” At first, though, I didn’t want to know anything about it, as I thought, “What’s broken is broken, nobody can help me anymore.” My daughter-in-law and my husband advised me to go once, in spite of that, as I had nothing to lose. So I was introduced to the teaching of Bruno Gröning on November 25, 1994.

During a community hour in December, 1994, I suddenly got severe pain in the heart, which disappeared again after a short time. Occasionally I had some Regelungen*, which were similar to the old symptoms. This happened, for instance, when I was excited about something. The attacks grew weaker, from week to week I was able to do more and more, and was even able to climb a flight of stairs if I took some breaks along the way. But more was still not possible, housework was out of the question, until the day when I received the complete healing, on the anniversary of Bruno Gröning’s death, January 26, 1995.

As the introduction had done so much good, I went again. On January 26, 1995, I took part in a meeting of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends. I had the feeling there as if a hand pulled something out of my chest. I had no pain. I thought, “Now everything will be all right.” The next morning I began to do housework. For the first time since February, 1992, I picked up the vacuum cleaner and did the vacuuming. I was able to do more and more. After 8 days I was able to make the beds again. Things went steadily uphill, it was a wonderful feeling. Since them, I have been able to do the housework again, work in the garden, and go for long hikes. I have no more difficulties climbing stairs, even carrying a heavy basket of laundry. The fear of dying has also disappeared.

In November, 1995, I went for another examination in the cardiology clinic. They did an angiogram, and the whole procedure ran without any problems. The doctor couldn’t find any narrowing of the arteries anymore. I can handle all the normal stress of life again.

Medical Commentary:

In 1991 Mrs. Nehm was diagnosed with coronary artery disease. (The arteries were narrowed.) This was treated was a balloon catheterization to dilate the arteries on February 18, 1992. This caused a massive coronary infarct in the anterior cardiac muscle, as well as fibrillation, so that Mrs. Nehm had to be resuscitated.

In spite of all medical procedures and treatment, Mrs. Nehm remained very limited in her abilities. This is clearly documented in the report from the sanatorium in August, 1994, shortly before she was introduced into the teaching of Bruno Gröning. She was only able to do heart – circulation training at a level of 15 watts, the lowest level of training.

It is a fact that Mrs. Nehm has been cured of severe heart disease through following the teaching of Bruno Gröning and absorbing the Heilstrom as described therein. This is not to be explained from a medical point of view, and was certainly no longer to be expected. The re-won abilities to withstand stress have also been sworn to in affidavits from eyewitnesses. This has also been attested to through a stress test performed in August of 1999. Mrs. Nehm was able to tolerate stress of 75 watts without any symptoms. This was also affirmed through an examination of the heart function, where a return of normal function was also determined. In 1992 the heart had a pump function of only 26%. In 1999 it was 52%, a value within the norm. Here is the full medical affirmation of the otherwise demonstrated stress tolerance.
